Faba bean: Use of NIRs for quality traits and validation of markers linked to drought, yield and broomrape resistance

The aims of the Spanish partner IFAPA in BELIS are mainly focused on two actions:

Optimize calibration models using NIRs (Near infrared spectroscopy) for quality traits such as protein, tannins and vicine-convicine content
(Task 3.4).

IFAPA has performed the tannin evaluation in a set of 400 faba bean accessions grown in a new environment (Córdoba, Spain) using the vanillin colorimetric method (Hagerman and Butler, 1978). Measurements of the remaining seed quality parameters (vicine, convicine, and crude proteins) in whole and ground faba beans using HPLC, Spectrophotometry and NIRS is scheduled to start in September 2024.

Figure 1. Measurement of seed quality parameters (tannin content) in faba bean by spectrophotometry analysis.

Validate previous GWAS analyses and develop informative KASPTM markers linked to major traits (drought, yield and broomrape resistance)
(Task 4.3).

In order to validate the significant SNPs for drought detected by GWAS analyses (Gutiérrez et al. 2023), 30 new accessions (4 repetitions each) are being evaluated for morphological, phenological and physiological drought related traits in collaboration with the Julius Kuhn Institute (Germany) in two stationary shelters, one for control and the other for the stress treatment. In the case of the yield a new RIL population (29H x Vf136) has been evaluated this season for seven yield related traits. Data will we used for QTL analysis to reveal possible colocalization/correlation of QTLs with the significant GWAS markers previously identified (Gutiérrez et al. 2024). The validation of markers for broomrape resistance will start October 2024 in collaboration with Agrovegetal.

Figure 2. Left: field trial for drought resistance (June 10, 2024) performed under movable rain out-shelters at JKI (Germany); Right: faba bean field trials (March 19, 2024) for the evaluation of yield related traits in Cordoba (Spain).

The BELIS project has received funding from the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement N°101081878.