UNL-ITQB and IAS-CSIC collaborative effort on phenotyping of Vicia spp.

UNL-ITQB & IAS-CSIC joint activity!

In a collaborative effort, members from the ITQB-UNL team (Portugal) have visit the IAS-CSIC Vicia spp. field trials at Córdoba, Spain, in the past month of April, in a phenotyping marathon of 300 different accessions with their Portable Spectroradiometer Fieldspec4 (Malvern Panalytical).

This equipment will allow to compare the accessions’ spectral signatures in the VIS–NIR–SWIR (350 nm – 2500 nm), which will later be used for the calculation of dozens of vegetation indices associated with the content of chlorophylls, anthocyanins, carotenoids, flavonoids, nitrogen, water, cellulose, lignin, as well as other indices for stress responses and biomass/greenness. These have been the first steps of the establishment of a large scale, high-throughput analysis of Vicia plant´s stress status, achievable through a great international collaboration.

The BELIS project has received funding from the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement N°101081878.